For those who casually bite into their favourite ice creams without feeling any pain in their teeth, how does it feel to be god’s favourite child? Well for the rest of us, tooth sensitivity is a daily struggle that ruins even the simplest of joys. Daily activities such as having tea or a cold beverage, or even brushing rigorously can send you off to a world of pain. We understand your struggle, which is why we’re here to help you understand its causes and how to ease the tingling sensation and pain. But before we get into what causes tooth sensitivity, let us first understand what it really is.
What is tooth sensitivity?
Sensitivity in teeth refers to a common occurrence where the nerves are easily triggered by certain external stimuli. This leads to toothache or tooth discomfort in one or more teeth. Sensitive teeth symptoms usually include a sudden, sharp, and shooting pain. It causes discomfort while drinking or eating certain foods. Sensitive teeth can be treated by seeing a dentist and also taking certain precautions on your own. Sometimes hot and cold, sweet or spicy foods can also trigger tooth sensitivity.
What causes tooth sensitivity?
Tooth sensitivity occurs when dentin (a layer of the tooth underneath the enamel) or cementum (layer covering the root) become exposed along the gum line. This can happen due to receding gums. Here are some sensitive teeth causes:
Brushing rigorously: Brushing thoroughly is important but exerting too much force can do more harm to your teeth than good. Overzealous brushing can become one of the reasons for sensitive teeth. It can break down the enamel and leave the dentin or cementum exposed and vulnerable, resulting in sensitive teeth.
Tooth grinding: Are you prone to grinding your teeth in sleep? That could be a cause of tooth sensitivity. This is because tooth grinding can slowly cause the enamel to wear away and expose the dentin layer, making the teeth sensitive.
Gum disease: Gum disease can be another reason for tooth sensitivity. Inflamed gum tissues tend to pull away or recede from the teeth, leaving the vulnerable areas exposed and causing sensitivity.
Temporary tooth sensitivity: Temporary sensitivity in the teeth can occur sometimes after a dental teeth-whitening treatment. Usually, this kind of sensitivity goes away shortly after the procedure ends.
What to do if I have sensitive teeth?
If you have sensitive teeth, then make sure you do not skip your dental care routine. Here is what you can do to treat and prevent this sensitivity:
Try a sensitizing toothpaste: The best sensitive teeth remedy is to use a sensitizing toothpaste. Your regular toothpaste may not work as well, so go for a toothpaste that is specially designed for sensitive teeth. There are several brands that offer toothpastes that cater to this specific condition, and you can try and see which one suits you. Also, spread some sensitizing toothpaste along the gum line and the exposed dentin or cementum area before going to bed. It will help reduce sensitivity. You can either use a cotton swab or your fingertip to rub the toothpaste.
Visit the dentist: When the sensitivity becomes too much to handle, it is probably time to see your dentist. Your dental care expert will examine your teeth and perform a proper assessment to find out the best steps for the sensitive teeth treatment.
Follow a good oral hygiene routine: Do not neglect your oral care routine, especially if you have sensitive teeth. Brush twice daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush such as the ones from Oral-B that are gentle on your teeth and prevent gum loss. Floss your teeth well twice a day to avoid plaque formation. Avoid acidic foods and drinks that can heighten the sensitivity.
If you want a teeth sensitivity solution for good, then here it is - it is treatable if one takes proper care of the teeth. A healthier mouth begins with good brushing habits. So make sure you follow an adequate dental care routine, visit the dentist periodically, and use superior-quality dental products such as Oral-B electric toothbrushes that are soft on the teeth but hard on the plaque and bacteria in your mouth.