Adult Orthodontics: Quick Tips for Adults with Braces

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As kids, we have all come across friends or classmates who’ve had braces, but have you seen adults with braces? Now isn’t that a sight! Truth is that teeth straightening for adults is becoming more popular as people begin to take dental care seriously. People want to keep their teeth healthy, strong, and presentable, and if braces are the way ahead, they don’t shy away from it. And invisible braces for adults, also known as aligners, play a vital role in this transformation.

Why do you need braces?

As an adult, if you intend to get braces, note that you will need to have it on longer than a teenager or a kid would. Some of the reasons why you’d need braces are as follows:

  • If you have crooked or overcrowded teeth

  • If there’s too much space between your teethc

  • If your upper teeth overlap the ones below resulting in an overbite

  • Any other misalignment of teeth that results in an uneven bite.

Tips to take care of braces

Once you have braces, you need to undertake appropriate steps to take care of them as food particles can easily get stuck in them. It is important that you maintain and clean them after every meal. Your orthodontist will also provide you with a list of foods that you cannot eat, and you must adhere to it. Here are a few tips for adults with braces:

  1. Reduce sugary and starchy foods which contribute to the formation of plaque and subsequent tooth decay.

  2. Always rinse your mouth thoroughly after every meal to ensure all food particles have been removed.

  3. It is recommended that you brush your teeth after every meal. Use a soft bristled toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste. Try the Oral-B ProHealth Anti-Bacterial Manual toothbrush which is equipped with crisscross bristles to reach every nook and cranny between braces and wires, ensuring a thorough cleaning. The bristles are anti-bacterial and prevent the growth of bacteria, making it apt for adults with braces.

  4. If brushing after every meal is not possible, use a fluoride mouth wash and rinse your mouth thoroughly after every meal.

  5. Floss your teeth frequently. This will help remove food particles that you may have missed when you can’t brush after a meal. Oral-B’s Essential Mint Dental Floss is your go-to buddy with its shred-resistant texture, making it perfect to floss through your braces without fear of it breaking or getting stuck.

  6. Don’t consume sticky foods such as toffees, chewing gum, candy floss and the likes as they can pull out your braces.

  7. You must also avoid hard foods such as hard candy, raw carrots, etc. as you could end up breaking parts of your braces when you bite into them.

Different types of braces

These days, there are several options if you want to get braces. Depending on your lifestyle and budget, one can choose from the various types of braces . Here are some of them.

  • Traditional braces:

    These are the most conventional of all the types of braces. The first braces traditionally comprised of a metal band for every tooth. Today, however, conventional braces have a single bracket cemented on each tooth, held together by wires running in front of the teeth supported by a few bands at the back.

    There’s also the option of ceramic braces that match the color of your teeth. Ultimately, for any of the two options, metal, or ceramic, traditional or conventional braces have the shortest treatment time but they’re the most visible ones.

  • Aligners:

    These are the more camouflaging variants, as they are clear tray that are fit on your teeth. They need to be changed every two weeks to adjust to the movement of your teeth. You need to keep these clear trays in your mouth for 22 to 23 hours each day, removing them only when you must eat.

    Because you have the flexibility to remove the aligners, you must be disciplined and responsible enough to manage to keep them in your mouth every moment possible. If you slip up, it’ll only delay the process.

  • Lingual braces:

    These are very much like your traditional or conventional braces, except the brackets are fixed on the backside of your tooth. They work as well as your regular, conventional braces and are not visible. But these must be custom made and hence they cost more than your regular braces

  • Self-litigating braces:

    These braces eliminate the need for a band at the back that helps in the movement of your teeth. Here, there is a wire that passes through all the brackets.

  • The post-treatment procedure will depend largely on the type of braces that you select. It typically takes around 18 to 24 months for the treatment. Once your braces are removed, your dentist will make you use retainers to help stabilize your teeth. These are made of plastic or a combination of plastic and metal and help to prevent your teeth from shifting back to their previous state. Your dentist will suggest how long you need to wear retainers depending on the condition of your teeth.

    Braces help in rearranging crooked teeth successfully and more people are exploring the option these days to suit their aesthetic needs.


Is it weird for adults to have braces?

Teeth straightening for adults is becoming more popular as people have started taking dental care seriously. People want to keep their teeth healthy, strong, and presentable, and if braces are the way ahead, they don’t shy away from it.

How long do braces for adults take?

Adults with braces will need to have braces for a longer time than a teenager or a kid would. It typically takes around 18 to 24 months for the treatment.

What do I need to know about getting braces as an adult?

As an adult with braces, know that you won’t have it forever, taking care of your teeth and braces is vital by avoiding sugary and sticky foods. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing your mouth after every meal is also important to avoid decays.