How to straighten teeth without braces

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Everyone wants that perfect 32 smile, with a well-set jaw and all teeth aligned in a straight line with no gaps and no crooked members. But not many are thrilled by the idea of wearing braces, which comes with a hefty price tag and discomfort.

So, the question of how to fix your crooked teeth without braces must strike you. Depending on the orthodontic condition, there are some options that you can consider besides braces. Even though it is an effective dental device, there are other treatments available to help fix some oral conditions. So, let’s take a look at the alternatives for aligning your teeth without braces.

Fixed Retainer

If you have slightly crooked teeth, it is called limited overcrowding that can be fixed with a retainer. These fixed retainers, like bonded lingual retainers, attach to the inner surface of the teeth with dental cement. It helps prevent the teeth from shifting with time and improves your bite by straightening the teeth. Such a dental device is effective in correcting your crooked teeth, but a medical professional is required to remove the retainer.

Hawley Retainer

Hawley retainers are made up of thin metal wire and can be easily removed. This dental device also helps straighten teeth and align them properly. But as they are removable, the chances of losing them are greater. The advantage of using Hawley retainer is its high durability when compared to plastic retainers and the adjustable wire that can be moved for a better fit.


Expanders come handy in case you have a narrow upper jaw or an underdeveloped palate. An expander helps in widening the palate of your mouth and create some space that your teeth require for shifting into its correct spot. A palatal expander is suitable for individuals with a narrow palate as it widens the top arch of the teeth.

Such orthodontic devices like an expander work in a very simple manner. Firstly, they are attached to your upper molars with some dental cement. The orthodontist will then make use of a special key and turn a screw in the centre. This adds gradual pressure to gently push your teeth apart on both sides of your upper jaw. This treatment is suitable for young children with developing jaws.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin custom-made hard shells of porcelain, designed to permanently fit the front surface of your teeth. They are bonded to your teeth and help in correcting misalignment, crookedness, stains, gaps, chipped teeth, etc. Dental veneers are strong and highly resist staining. As they are permanent, you need to change them at least every five to ten years.

Herbst Appliance

Malocclusion is the misalignment of teeth leading to an overbite or underbite which can be corrected by using a dental device called as Herbst appliance. With the help of this, your lower jaw will develop in a forward direction resulting in the upper and lower jaw meeting and a correction in bite. Herbst appliance is also used at the same time as braces in children to align the jaw as it grows. The appliance has a metal extension which attaches to the molars at the back to connect the upper and lower jaws.

You can now wear a confident smile by correcting misalignment of your teeth with such orthodontic devices.

Dangers of Straightening Your Teeth at Home

Orthodontic treatment can be expensive but trying online methods or attempting home remedies is never recommended. You shall find an endless number of DIY methods on the internet if you look for how to align teeth without braces at home, but this should only be done by a professional orthodontist.

Using borrowed metal retainers, paper clips, rubber bands, self-made home equipment, etc. are more likely to hurt you. The results of making braces with online tutorials are much worse than having misaligned teeth. While doing so, you could apply excess strain on the ligaments and roots of your teeth, giving rise to the following side effects:

  • Weakened tooth enamel

  • Severe toothache or pain

  • Accidentally sustaining cuts in your gums

  • Malocclusion

  • Tooth decay

  • Oral infections

  • Cracks in your teeth

Who should opt for Teeth Straightening?

Many individuals have gaps between their teeth or do not like the appearance of their teeth. Sometimes this can even lead to experiencing difficulty in speaking or chewing. But does this mean you need to straighten your teeth or wear dental devices like braces? It is best to get your little one evaluated for any requirement of such devices at least by the age of 7 years. So, let’s understand some signs that may indicate that you need orthodontic treatment:

  • Jaws that click or shift

  • Experiencing trouble while chewing or eating

  • Misaligned or crowded teeth

  • Mouth breathing

  • Difficulty in speech or while making certain types of sounds

  • Having an overbite or underbite

  • Spacing or gaps between your teeth

  • Open bite

  • Crossbite

While wearing such dental devices, there are high chances of food particles getting jammed or stuck. Hence, it is always good to maintain a healthy oral care routine by brushing your teeth regularly with a suitable toothbrush. You can opt for an Oral-B Toothbrush for superior cleaning and plaque removal for optimal dental hygiene!